
Adam Byatt

Adam sifts through the ennui and detritus of life and catalogues them as potential story ideas.  They are pretty much a pad of sticky notes on the fridge door.

These ideas have a funny habit of forming the basis of his writing.  Occasionally he finds loose change.

He is an English teacher and drummer with an interest in literary pursuits, rhythmic permutations, theological amplifications and comedic outbursts. Surprisingly, being a high school English teacher yields few ideas.  Perhaps he just isn’t looking hard enough.

A wanna-be drumming rock star, he wonders if he can one day combine the rock and roll lifestyle with a book signing tour.

This is his first foray into the controlled chaos that is collaborative writing, but is having so much fun doing it.

He exists on twitter as @revhappiness and writes flash fiction at A Fullness in Brevity

Series Contributed To:

History’s Keeper

In Print

6 Sentences – Mind Games (2010)


A Fullness in Brevity

Contact Adam


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