

Emma Kerry


Emma is an over-caffeinated writer and mother of one. When not chasing her boisterous toddler around, she drinks copious amounts of coffee whilst writing.

She can’t remember a time when she didn’t write, her first foray into fiction being at Primary School where her Monday morning ‘diaries’ were the stuff of legends. In her teen years, she spent much of her spare time creating quirky characters, bizarre worlds and reworking Shakespeare for a modern audience.  More recently she has turned her hand to writing her first novel and regular short stories and flash fiction.

She can be found (too often) on Twitter, and blogs (not enough).

Series Contributed To:

Dust and Death



In Print

‘Ellie’s Wish’ in ‘Shambelurkling and Other Stories’
”Til Death us do Part’ in ‘Literary Mixtapes: Deck the Halls’
‘Confessions of a Toddler’ in ‘100 Stories for Queensland’
‘Alien Invasion’ and ‘Blue Tears: Katy’ available to download from the iPhone app Ether.

Contact Emma

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